Tuesday 25 October 2016

Week 3: Progress Report

Well, this past week has been really difficult for me. I have felt really down and have ended up eating all of the wrong food. Chocolate and ice cream have been the main culprits. Needless to say, I have felt worse because of what I have been putting into my mouth.

I have continued with the Kefir and some of the other bits including sprouting bean and seeds. I haven't really had any juice or Kombucha, and my meals have been glutenous. I am back on it though. I still intend to research the link between mood and food, but my energy levels have been so low the past week that I haven't really been able to do anything.

I had a really emotional day last week too, which is what kicked off the bad eating habits, I was crying at everything - poor hubby didn't know whether to laugh or cry!! In case you're wondering he mainly chose laugh and this made me cry more! I am putting this uncharacteristic emotional wreck down to healing crisis or 'withdrawal sadness'.

This week I have increased my Kefir to 300ml per day in a smoothie and I will increase Kombucha intake towards the end of the week. I am going to make some Kefir cheese, which is yummy and really easy to do. I am thinking that I need to increase my protein intake slightly too as I don't seem to be eating that much and with the lack of carbs, this will effect how I am feeling.

I am finally getting to see my Rheumy this week. Thursday morning I will be there with bells on. I was supposed to see him in June but apparently they have a long waiting list at the moment.

Sorry this post is late - I will endeavour to get next week's out on time and even get something done mid-week for you.

Hugs and spoons to all who need them xx

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